A place for me to experience life as it's happening-in the moment!! Learning to giving up the fantasy life I have created and have been held prisoner by for too many years. Making more room in my head for the great and wonderful things right in front of me.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Garden Update
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Wish me luck
It is supposed to be 90 degrees tomorrow, so I am NOT looking forward to wearing pants, but it is at 9:30am, so hopefully it won't be too hot then.
I have more to post about, and a garden update, but it is late and I want to read some of the research articles by the guy I am meeting with.
Until then-sweet dreams friends.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Addie's Corner
Since we last talked, I have been doing some great things. I am finally used to that thing they keep putting on my head to walk. Sometimes I even get treats when I wear it. How cool is that?
I am going to school now, and yesterday was my second time. I am not so sure how I feel about it all yet, but I really pay attention and listen to the teacher. Seems I sit funny, and the mom's were talking about it in class. I was a little embarrassed, but it wasn't that bad since there's this guy in the class who needs some serious detention. He is a bad egg, and I bet he's gonna get held back. Not me, nope, I am a smarty pants.
I am getting much better at waiting for my food. The moms make me wait soooooo long when they put the food down. If I even get up they stop making my food, or take my food away if I haven't waited patiently enough and move before they tell me. But when I sit nice and wait, they say GO and then I get to eat my yummy food. I love food so very much. I could eat it all day, but then I would imagine I wouldn't be nearly as cute as I am now. I would be a pup on her way to Richard Simmon's doorstep.
Oh well. A little earlier I was playing with my Frisbee outside. I have also found that eating the stumps outside are really fun, though it drives mom up a wall. She put ricks all around it today to make it more challenging for me. She must have forgotten I was a smarty pants cause I already moved one of the rocks. Give me time and the stump will be mine again!
I saw a doctor yesterday who made me do all sorts of horrible things like lay there while she checked my legs and hips. OUCH I say. That was all completely unnecessary. When we were done I gave them all the evil eye. They say even though my hip is bad, that I will be ok for now. WHOO HOO!
Let's see-what else. . .I am going to see Grammy this weekend. That should be fun. I hope they aren't still mad at me from when I had runny bottom. It wasn't my fault, and my poops are perfect now! I may also have to go to a Pet Hotel for the night on Friday since mom's will be going away for the day. I am not sure I like the idea, but that is where they have the fun daycare. It could be ok.
I guess that's it. I need to protect my toys from that girl that's visiting me tonight. She keeps bouncing my balls and toys. She needs a good lick in the pants!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
How Sweet It Was!!
Then we headed to the boardwalk where we enjoyed pizza, funnel cake, ice cream, and sticky, icky hazy weather. It was awesome. Then we headed back in to the casino to leave to go to the Borgata where the concert was being held, and where we would eat dinner.
Then we were charged with the task of trying to see if they would let us all sit together at the concert. We had a ticket for RHB and companion--(RHB is in a wheelchair in case I never brought that up). But the third seat was away from the other two, and typically this happens, and we can sometimes get them to allow us to sit together. After all, what fun is it to have to sit by yourself?? We waited a little while before they could agree to this, and we found that we were all going to be able to sit together in the SECOND ROW!! When we sat down the smile came across my face and I don't think it left until I fell asleep.
We were so close!!!! See the pictures below. Now, I have to say something about the contraband photos. When we went to see him in Philly, I followed the rules of the venue to the T--all food in clear containers, only water, no cameras. When we got there, I quickly realized that the rules apparently didn't apply to most folks. This time I was prepared to break the rules and had my cell phone camera and a real camera. Look what I took-->
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Addie's Lament
First, do you see that black bowl behind me up there? Well, the people have started to put my food in this so I can no longer gobble up my food in two milliseconds. This is not fair, I say! A fine woofy of my kind should be able to eat however I want.
Secondly, you can't see it right now, but they have been putting this black collar thing around my neck, and USING it. What are they using it for, you might ask?? Well, when I am out and about walking, and I have this collar thing on, they pull and pull and pull and pull at me to stay right by their side. This is a highly unreasonable expectation for such a curious hound as myself. How on earth am I supposed to sniff out a good snack of dog poo if I can't even leave their sides?? OH, and they have even tried to use this torture device on my in my own backyard? WTF?? Can't a woofy even run around in her own backyard without having to be so "obedient"? Periodically they make me sit, and also lay down. Sit, stand, lay down, what do they want. I don't think they have any idea, so they are taking it out on me.
Thirdly, they have been talking about this boy named Riley. I don't know much about the fellow, but I sense that I am not going to like him! Some things in the house are for Riley, and not me. Everything in this house is for me, including the magazines I have started to chew up, the shoes I like to move around, and the cat that I think is mighty tasty. I don't know about this
What is this world coming to? First a crazy food bowl, then a torturous collar, and talk of some Riley thing . . .This is all too much for me. I must go ponder the meaning of life somewhere.
Thanks for listening! WOOF
How does your garden grow--Part II
Until next time. I think my woofy friend has something to say . . .
Monday, June 09, 2008
What I have been up to!
In any case, I have some things to share from the archives of my brain. I am not feeling well today--could be a multitude of things--got my period (third month in a row--what the heck is up with that??), I am tired, it is hot, I am bored with my job, I don't know what to talk about in therapy today . . .see, any number of things. I came home early from work today and corralled all the critters in the bedroom for an air conditioned nap. It went well, though I can't say I feel better. I could also legitimately in fact have something wrong. Who knows.
OK, on to better things. I will, in true beanie fashion give you a bulleted update on my life over the last few weeks. Sit back, relax, keep all hands inside the vehicle . . .
Now, in no particular order . . .
1. We went kayaking yesterday which was so absolutely fun. I must have reiterated how much I loved kayaking about a million times throughout the day. Even after I fell out of the boat... I love kayaking. Yes, it's true. I fell out. I was trying to avoid an oncoming tree limb, and I thought rather than back paddle, I would just duck . . .well, that's easier thought than executed, see when you duck in a kayak you off center yourself and the next thing you know your loved ones are laughing at you, and more worried about the location of the water bottle I was carrying. In all seriousness, I was a lot calmer about the situation that one would have thought given my flare for the dramatic. A nice man came and helped get me back in--since said loved ones just looked at me from afar snickering ;)
2. SIL was visiting this weekend--well, she was herefor work and we were volunteering for the event, Quash-->Check it out. It was like a city wide scavenger hunt type thing. It was good fun, for a good organization. Heck, the rate my father is going I will need the services of the organization soon.
3. My sweet, dearest little friend K. and her sister were in their aunt's wedding last weekend and DP and I went to help out. They both just looked so precious, and I just love being around them-and their family. I am glad we could help out and make the day at least a little bit less stressful for all. K, by the way, is kicking that leukemia right out of her, and doing great. Some rocky times at points, but all in all she is holding her own and has managed to stay out of the hospital for a while now. Keep the prayers and thoughts going her way. Oh, and mom and dad might need some thoughts as they recently adopted two kittens for the girls.
4. Work has been work. Nothing terribly exciting. I have decided to start poking my head around to some other potential job opportunities. I was actually contacted by the director of a program at a major local university asking if I would be interested in applying for a senior research position. Not exactly what I was looking for, but has parts that are appealing. It is a grant funded position, but they have guaranteed funding for 4 years, and he told me that he has a great track record of getting funding. I have also sent my resume to the local children's hospital for consideration in their newly opened research center for autism. I am hoping they have something that will be more clinical than research, but I am open to something new. The idea of being able to take a train to work is really good right now. Took me $45 to fill up my Saturn today . . .too much.
5. We have started to go to obedience school with Addie. She had one session and I don't think she particularly likes the new schooling opportunity. We worked with her one night last week and she got herself all worked up that she threw up. We hope tomorrow will go well, though it is going to be hot as all get out again and the training takes place in this opened warehouse/garage thing. Luckily it is DP's turn to work with her. The class is 8 weeks and we will trade off each week on who actually handles her, and the other will watch.
6. We love our neighbors. They are just so nice and we couldn't ask for better ones--did I also mention that they have a pool? Yes, they do and they are very open to us using it whenever we want. I have to say though, their daughter came over Sunday and we had grand plans to use the pool, and she had to go be all up in it. The nerve. So we didn't go in. We did buy a wading pool for Addie--she seemed to like it-though we had to "help" her like it.
7. I saw James Taylor last weekend and it was fabulous. I went with one of my bestest friends, and we had a good time. She thought we had lawn seats, and we got there super early and scoped out a great seat. So then I am looking at the tickets again, and it turns out that we had actual seats and didn't know it. It was good fun. And guess what??? I am going again this weekend to see him at the Borgota in Atlantic City with our friend RHB . . .those seats are in the second row--SECOND ROW!!???!! I think I might pee myself being that close. The venue itself isn't that big-so I am very excited.
8. Weight loss update-->there is no weight loss. There was some gainage over the holiday weekend, but I am back to where I was before-which is still the lowest I have been. I have been trying to do better, but it just seems that I can never get it right. I will be starting to go to a PCOS support/therapy group starting in July which is run by a nutritionist that I used to see, and some therapist lady. It will be good I think to talk with others who have having food and PCOS issues.
9. I have a boy that is in love with me . . .he is 4 years old. He just loves me very very much, and asks for me a lot--so much so that he drives his mother crazy. He looks at me with googley eyes, and asks when I am going to come back. He is so stinking cute. His little sister is very advanced for her age. It is fun to be around typical kids sometimes--reminds me that not all kids are autistic and so needy.
Um, I guess that's is for right now. I hope all is well in your corners!!