Saturday, February 23, 2008

Basement workspace

OK, so I have a project in mind. We have a basement-which I have tried to convince my DP is finshable, and she adamantly states that it is not. I get that it may not be finshable, but I feel that it is a good space none the less.

Let me rewind- I have always longed for a space of my own. I have referred to this space as a proverbial "beanie shack". Now if you knew my real name, this title would sound much more fun, but in the name of anonymity, we shall call it a beanie shack.

Ok, so said beanie shack would be a place where I would just be free to create, draw, paint, write, lounge whatever. I have envisioned this place to be small, cozy, must have a comfy bean bag or chair. I have, at times, envisioned it having wall to wall space that I could paint on, or write on when I felt inspired. Are you getting a picture? Any small space I see, I think, "oh, that would make a great beanie shack" DP thinks I am a nut job, and I am ok with this.

Back to the basement-so I have had this bright idea to make a corner of the basement into a quasi beanie shack. Mostly because I thought I would like to do more scrapbooking, and I don't have a place to do that here, but also because I think the basement is ok. I know the walls don't look great, and the ceiling is . . .well, the ceiling has lots and lots of bugs, but they can be sucked up. Overall, it is a dry space, and I am determined to make a corner of it a piece of my own.

I have decided that I will have a table in the one corner, and I will obtain a carpet remnant to put down. Then, thanks to a suggestion from my DP, I will use this purple sheet that I have to cover the walls-since the foundation is stone, you see the stone and the crumbly white stuff on the stone (how's that for technical terminology). We were out and about tonight and I bought a small Ott lamp. There is some light, and we just got glass block windows installed down there, but I thought having something brighter would be useful. Then I can put all of my scrapbooking stuff down there, and work on it when I want. I don't have to worry about cleaning it up all the time, and not having space. Perhaps someday I will even have a bean bag chair down there . . .specifically I would want a love sac . . .but that's for when I win the lottery, and/or we build a garage with a space above which will have a beanie space in it.

Maybe once I finish it I will post some pictures. I am very excited about this!!!


Jenster said...

A Beanie Shack sounds divine!!

Lynilu said...

Sounds fun! Gopher-it and yes, take pix!!