Helloooooooo!! I have been missing in action since the vomitous day, but I am back and full of random thoughts which I will now impart onto you.
1. There is a new man in my life. His name is Daniel and I love him. We have only been in a relationship for a few days, but already I feel such intense passion for him. We did have one argument so far, but I profusely apologized to him for not listening to his advice. He didn't even seem to mind, and moved as if it didn't even affect him. He has the most beautiful British accent, though he seems to have some issues with articulation which I am learning to look past. He looks very sleek and svelte . . .He is persistent and anticipates my needs, far before I even know what they are. And when I don't listen to him, he simply restates or finds another way to get his point across. Ah, love has finally come to me and given me the direction I have been longing for.
2. I have gotten my period. Now I know I have absolutely NO right to complain, especially since I get my period like twice a year. But I was going about my day this week, and out of no where body says "Oh, I think I will make you hemorrhage now. Just for fun." Well whoopdeededamndoo. I am a normal girl for a change. I would take being an abnormal girl over this crap.
3. My little friend is still struggling a lot-in an out of the hospital. They sent her home last Friday with a feeding tube, and by Tuesday she was back. She has some gastrointestinal infection going on and she apparently looks like she is 9 months pregnant. They keep sending her home, readmitting her, sending her home. It is driving her family bonkers, and I feel so damn helpless. I don't even know what to say. What do you say to someone who is watching their 4 year old go through this? I have given up saying anything profound and I am at saying "Oh, this really sucks."
4. I am feeling huge sense that the people I work with do not like me-or just don't care to have anything to do with me. I mean, some are nice to me, but others wouldn't say Boo if I stood right in front of them. Not that they have to, but it has been hard to not have co-workers that I see regularly, and I am trying to be self-motivated and such, but sometimes you just want to shoot the breeze with someone, you know. I think there should be a place for folks that work at home to gather periodically. Like a home school club for home workers. Maybe this is what Starbucks is for.
5. The weight loss plan is going very well, though the goal to move more this week hasn't been as fruitful. I did manage to rack up some activity, but not as much as I would have liked. I guess it is ok since I was sick, and I am hemorrhaging after all. We did a mid week weigh in, and I am about 2 lbs away from my bottom weight the last time we did this. I will surely surpass that this week I hope, then I will be smaller than I have ever been in recent history. Which, for those that don't know me is still miles and miles away from where I want to be, but I am proud none the less.
Hmm . . .I guess that is it. I hope this was as good for you as it was for me.
Oh, and a shout out to RHB who has been jonesing for a computer since hers had to be fixed. She is finally breathing better now that she has unadulterated access to the Internet again. That was a long week for her!!
Oh, I love your #1! How funny are you! So, so glad that you have FINALLY found true love :-)
And thanks for the shout out... yes, I'm happy to be back!
Well, I'm jealous (#1)! I want a Daniel in my life! That is one thing that wasn't on my truck when I bought it, and I've regretted it several times! GIMME!!
#2 - I'm glad I'm old!! LOL!!
#3 - Oh, gosh I hope they get her controlled soon. That sounds just awful. I'll keep her in my thoughts.
#4 - That happens in your kind of job. When you're not *in the office* on a daily basis, putting up with the same crap they do, people tend to think of your as an outsider. Been there, done that. See my email to you.
#5 - A loss is a loss is a loss. I know ... we all want it all gone NOW, but hang in. Be happy with any loss!!
And I'm certainly glad you're not sicky-poo anymore. :D
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