Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Busy Busy

For the next few months I will be busy. I have gone back to school to see if I can finally finish up my certification to be a school social worker, and so I had the first class tonight. It was nice to be back in school again . . .

Then the clinical supervision that I was doing on Wednesday's has been moved to Thursday for the semester to accommodate me. Every other week I have supervision, and the other Thursday's we have puppy kindergarten with Riley. Monday's is therapy, and Tuesday will be women's group at the church starting next week again.

I would love to find a certification in professional vacationing. I think I would be very good at that. I think it could quite possibly be my calling in life.. . .


Jenster said...

It amazes me how much alike we are. I think I'm very gifted in vacationing as well.

Anonymous said...

I am so excited that you are doing this. I think you are on the right path, for sure. Please don't hesitate to ask me any questions.....I love School Social Work, I really do. Every single day is different.