Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Not-So-Secret Garden

Well, the peas are in the ground. The cukes have been planted, the hosta (la vistas) have been transplanted, and the bucket o' worms has been dumped. Yes, I did say bucket of worms--200 to be exact. No, I didn't count them, but it said 200 on the bucket. Imagine having that job!!

Oh, and the tomato cages are up and put together. This gardening thing is hard work--but hopefully soooooo worth it. We still need to plant the beans, and the tomatoes and peppers when we get the from DP's dad at memorial Day. He will start them and then give them to us. What a guy!

I will post pictures soon of the before garden--well, the right in the moment garden. We didn't get before photos.

I keep waiting for something to poke through . . .DP says it's gonna be a long few weeks until something comes up.


Lynilu said...

OK, now, I left you a message last night. I did. I really DID!!! sighhh.

I think I said something silly about not planting the Beans, because you're too young to be planted, or some such silly thing. And I know I said that I love the harvest of the garden, but I don't care for the period between planting and harvest! I may plant some "patio tomatoes" but that will be the end of it.

I also said the puppy pic is precious!!

I said it, I really, really did!!

Jenster said...

Yummy! We had a garden once. Todd planted about three or four cucumber plants and we ended up having to make pickles because we were drowning in cucumbers.